• 09Dec

    Garbage dumps not only represent an aesthetic pollution of the living environment, but they are above all a very diverse source of diseases. Malaria, food poisoning, typhoid fever, cholera, to name a few. Household garbage is all the rubbish and junk of everyday life, those that we get rid of daily because they have become bulky or unwanted.

    However the accumulation of garbage in a city, whatever the cause, is detrimental to people’s health. This can cause the proliferation of microbes, parasites and other disease vectors. In addition putrefaction causes unpleasant odors and irritating vapors, which can cause allergic phenomena or even pneumonia. Indeed during putrefaction, garbage releases toxic gases, such as hydrogen sulphide, methane and carbon dioxide.

    However the main risk of the accumulation of garbage is the proliferation of microbes and parasites of all kinds, as well as animals that live from these reliefs: salmonella, flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice. There are so many companions at the origin of various parasitoses: malaria, food poisoning, typhoid fever, cholera but also the plague.

    That’s not all. Recent studies have shown that landfills appeared to be involved in the occurrence of genetic malformations, among children born to parents living within 3 km of a site. Recall that according to the WHO organization, the unsanitary environment kills 3 million children worldwide each year.

    So it is our duty for each and all of us to remove all accumuated garbage and junk from our homes and offices. If you have too much and you need to rent a dumpster, then there are specialized companies in Missouri and elsewhere that offer this service. Do not be lazy or procrastinate if you want to help our planete stay clean and green.

    The influence of climate

    Hypothetical, distant, barely palpable … contrary to popular belief, the impact of heat waves on our body is very real. A phenomenon described and quantified in a recent report published by experts around the world notes a disturbing countdown.

    Our vulnerability to heat is increasing every year in all regions of the world aacording to the authors of that report. This report is a document published on November 29 by 27 institutions such as WHO, the World Bank, The University College London and the World Meteorological Organization.

    Today the most at-risk populations include elderly people living in the city and outdoor workers, noted the experts who have studied the subject (geographers, climatologists, ecologists, mathematicians …). Which regions of the world are the most affected? Europe and the eastern Mediterranean are particularly at risk, probably because of an older population living in urban areas in these areas.

    A system that is out of order

    Another point highlighted in the report is the lack of preparedness of health actors to deal with the impact of heat waves. But more than half of cities under consideration expect climate change to seriously compromise public health infrastructure. How would this disruption translate? Either directly, with extreme weather conditions, or indirectly, with increases in the burden of disease weighing on existing services.

    In addition to human fragility, climate change affects our finances. Thus, in 2017, a total of 712 extreme weather events related to climate change were responsible for economic losses of $326 billion. That is almost triple the losses of 2016. And alone in 2017, heat waves resulted in 153 billion hours of lost work.

    Fine particles causing 2.9 million premature deaths

    The degradation of the quality of the breathed air is also denounced: the inhabitants of more than 90% of cities breathe polluted air, toxic for their cardiovascular and respiratory health. Between 2010 and 2016, the concentration of air pollutants has worsened in almost 70% of cities worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

    The report also focuses on the most toxic sources of pollution. On its own, coal is responsible for 16% of deaths worldwide due to poor air quality. In 2015 fine particles caused 2.9 million premature deaths. What solutions to consider then? A number of sectors are starting to see the beginnings of a transition to a low-carbon economy. But there’s still a lot to do. And the nature and extent of the response to climate change will be the determining factors in the evolution of population health over the coming centuries.

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