• 06Jan

    Ketones is the main compound (phenolic type) found in fruits belonging to the berry group.  Fruits like raspberry, blackberry and cranberries are rich in this chemical compound, but in raspberries this is found in its best form. This is the compound that gives the fruits that exotic aroma.

    Raspberry ketones are used for several purposes, especially for preparing different delicious deserts like ice cream, candy, colas, etc. The special aroma adds more to these dishes and gives them an unbeatable taste. However, raspberry ketones didn’t draw that much attention until anything was said about their weight reducing and fat burning capacity. There is a buzz around that raspberry ketones, if used properly, can reduce a noticeable amount of fat within a considerable time.

    Yet there is much to know

    However, it won’t be wise to try this natural compound without knowing about it in detail. Only after testing its effect on animals during extended research works, it was concluded raspberry ketones may reduce fat and it may help one to go slim easily in less time.

    When tested on animals (especially on mouse), the compound gave satisfying result. In animals like rabbit and mouse it worked faster to reduce fatty tissues, especially from the liver portion, but it is not sure yet that the compound will work in same rate, if tested on humans. As the phenolic compound it speeds up the fat burning process and helps in increasing BMR, thus, it is being presumed that the compound will work effectively on human body as well.

    1. Consultation is necessary

    Thus, the best option is to consult a specialist or with fitness professionals to be sure whether it will be effective to use this supplement or not. Only an expert can suggest the perfect doses and uses of the compound to get satisfying result, if they believe that it has that much potential to burn fat.

    1. How to use the compound

    It is quite interesting to know that 1kg of the fruit can produce only 0.63 mg of juice, in spite of looking very juicy and pulpy. Out of that 0.63 mg juice, only 0.42 mg of ketones compound can be extracted. Thus, following this calculation it is easy to guess that how much raspberries one should consume daily if he or she wishes to have the compound in natural form. In addition, absorbing natural raspberry to get that compound won’t be a pocket friendly idea.

    The easiest option is to take it in form of medicine or food supplement. Raspberry ketones supplements are now being produced in large quantity for those who aim to ahieve faster weight loss and a lean and thin figure. Many fitness experts say that if taken with your daily diet, raspberry ketones will work on human beings as well. However, one should not compromise with exercising and should not depend wholly on the ketones supplements to reduce body fat.

    Raspberry ketones syrup is also being produced, which is often used to process food. In fact, it is one of the most expensive food flavor components that are being used extensively in the food industry all over the world.  One kilo of this compound can cost as much as $20,000 and that is why it is often used in form of supplement, syrup, etc. Synthetic compound is comparatively cheaper and this is easily accessible.

    1. The Raspberry Ketone Diet

    The other way to consume raspberry ketone in large portion is to follow a raspberry ketone diet. It is thus said because the experts suggest following a nutritional diet, which contains the ketones compound in maximum. Let’s have a quick check on the possible benefits of following this particular diet chart.

    • Increases metabolism
    • Enhances the cardiovascular system
    • Increases the lipolysis rate
    • Increases the functionality of some hormones

    The diet is often available in form of tablets with maximum 125 mg of strength. Here it must be said that not even an adult should consume more than 200 mg of the compound. More consumption of the compound is unhealthy because instead of reducing weight it gives birth to other physical disorders.

    1. One Compound Several Benefits

    Experts who believe in the magical power of raspberry ketones also describe this as a multipurpose compound. According to them, one who is taking the compound on a daily basis not only burns fat, but also may get permanent relief from obesity. This is because the compound prevents further accumulation of those unhealthy fats. Using raspberry ketones one can also keep his or her growing appetite in control.

    1. Possible Side Effects

    The chemicals used in preparing raspberry ketones supplement influence the stimulant synepherine and that is why one may experience palpitation, high blood pressure, jittery etc. However, none of these symptoms sustain for more than one hour and when you get in the habit of taking the compound on regular basis you don’t experience all these again after sometimes.

    Permalink Filed under: Health
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